Kako in kje kupiti QUARTZ ( QUARTZ ) – Podroben vodnik

Kaj je QUARTZ ?

About Sandclock

Sandclock is a multichain DeFi platform with the objective of creating ultra programmable money by leveraging cutting-edge yield generating strategies. By splitting principal from yield and allowing users to subdivide either of them to create their own strategies, Sandclock unlocks the programmability of capital. The design space is infinite: from investments into DCA vaults, corporate CSR management, zero-loss donations/investments/subscription services, to setting up DAOs that provide exit liquidity to NFT floor undercutters.

Sandclock team is focussed to onboard the next 50 million non-crypto users to web3, and they have put tremendous amount of time and effort into being compliant, seeking licenses (SOC 1/SOC 2 type II, FINRA, FinCen, CPO, etc), redesigning the crypto UX/UI from scratch, doing key management the right way, baking insurance into their products, and many other unique features.


$QUARTZ is Sandclock’s ecosystem governance token. It can be used to propose and vote on proposals made on the DAO. The $QUARTZ governance token will control the following aspects of the project:

  • Treasury Management: $QUARTZ holders will decide how to allocate the fees collected by the protocol.

  • Partnerships: $QUARTZ holders will be able to suggest partnerships with other protocols and organizations.

  • Pools & Parameters: $QUARTZ holders will propose and modify new or existing parameters for the protocol’s pools.

However, that’s not all. Gas costs have priced out most users of on-chain governance, leading to decreased participation. To mitigate that, and stay true to our blockchain-agnostic stance, Sandclock’s DAO will reside on Polygon.

What makes Sandclock Unique ?

To better illustrates the uniqueness of Sandclock, here are a few case studies to illustrate the core functionalities of the project.

Watch Sandclock's Pitch Video link

Case Study I - Endowment:

Alice creates an endowment on Sandclock such that when her deposit generates yield, a portion of the yield goes to an account created for her mother. Based on the duration and size of the deposit, every month, Alice’s mom will receive funds with the option to reinvest it or push the funds to her prepaid spend card for grocery shopping. These cards will be issued by Sandclock.

Case Study II - Investment and Charity Support:

John is a graphic designer and makes enough to make ends meet. John is interested in growing his wealth but also cares to support a local food bank. Jon will deposit his funds at Sandclock and will design his portfolio such that all of his principal auto-compounds for 5 years, and 50% of the yield generated is used to dollar cost average (DCA) into Ethereum, and 50% is donated to his local food bank for the next 5 years. In this scenario, John not only receives the benefits of growing his wealth through high rates of return offered by money markets on the blockchain, but also gets to invest in Ethereum, while feeling content that he is also helping a local not-for-profit. Furthermore, John will also receive charitable tax receipts as NFTs airdropped to his account. These NFTs can either be traded (like carbon credits) or claimed for actual tax benefits.

Case Study III - Preserving NFT Floor Price:

It is important for NFT community members to see the floor price of their NFTs continue to rise. Unfortunately, there are times that certain members of the community are in need of immediate funds and they undercut the floor price to sell their NFT. The activity associated with ‘floor price undercutting’ lowers the overall value of the NFT and is a major issue that has remained unresolved.

Using Sandclock, members of the NFT community can deposit their funds and generate exceptionally high rates of return on their money. They can also create a strategy such that, when a would be floor price undercutter needs liquidity, the yield from the aforementioned community members can be used to purchase the NFT at the floor price, and the new ownership of the NFT can be fractionalized and distributed pro rata to all participants who contributed with liquidity. All of this is achieved programmatically, and the NFT community members will be empowered to enjoy a substantial return on their deposits at Sandclock while preserving the floor price of their NFT.

Case Study IV - Solving Cash flow Challenges:

Women’s Shelter is a not-for-profit organization that provides shelter and support for women and families fleeing domestic violence and other crises. Critical to their operational need is certainty of monthly cash flow so they could continue to deliver care and support for the women they serve. Unfortunately, the certainty of monthly cash flow is a pain that is felt by most not-for-profits.

*Using Sandclock vaults, donors or the not-for-profits can deposit funds and while the principal is preserved, the yield can be used to serve as a ‘constant’ cash flow to be used for operational uses. This certainty of yield flow, either created by the not-for-profit or a donor (with the option to set it in perpetuity) is a unique offering that will bring tremendous value to global NGOs in need of managing their cash flows. *

Case Study V - Zero-loss Donations:

The recent humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan echoed the need for efficient methods in how refugees could be supported globally. Although aid and relief is pursued, the presence of many layers of “middle-men” and corruption makes it extremely hard to get the right aid to the deserving refugee when they need it.

*In collaboration with UNHCR, when an individual receives their Refugee Card, they can also receive a Sandclock prepaid spend card. When Sandclock platform users allocate a portion of their yield to support Afghan refugees, the funds will directly move to top up refugee prepaid cards so they could have funds to buy necessary provisions for their families.

This example demonstrates a novel mechanism of zero-loss donation and the Sandclock team recently participated in an event during the United Nations General Assembly to speak on the matter.*

As described previously, the design space to use Sandclock is infinite. While we may offer certain features through our own user interfaces, our smart contract scan be used by developers and engineers to build their own unique innovations.

Watch Sandclock host Philanthropy Summit 2021 with speakers such as Raoul Pal of Real Vision, Do Kwon of Terraform Labs and many other ecosystem experts.

##How Many QUARTZ Coins Are There in Circulation? At the time of writing this, there are 2.9 million tokens in circulation. There are 100,000,000 tokens in total, ~30% of which is perma-locked for 'Charity Mining'.

Details of Tokenomics Details of Charity Mining

Who are the Founders of Sandclock

Sandclock is cofounded by :

  • Cristiano Teixeira (formerly with Akropolis and Nebulas) as Chief Executive Officer (Twitter, Linkedin)

  • Alexander G Hughes, JD (Combat veteran experienced in high-stakes litigation, Crypto Law etc.) as Chief Legal and Compliance Officer (Twitter, Linkedin)

  • Elizabeth Teixeira (Experienced marketing and communications leader) as Chief Operating Officer (Twitter, Linkedin)

  • Q Rasi (Crypto banker, University Lecturer, Entrepreneur) as Chief Strategy Officer (Twitter, Linkedin)

Fund Raising

The project launched a fair LBP Auction on October 23rd 2021 and raised over $16.9M, bringing total company funding to $19.9M.

Details of LBP Auction

##Where Can You Buy $QUARTZ (QRTZ) ? At the time of writing this article, QRTZ is available on Sushiswap

QUARTZ je bilo prvič mogoče trgovati 26th Oct, 2021 . Ima skupno zalogo 100,000,000 . Trenutno ima QUARTZ tržno kapitalizacijo ${{marketCap} USD }.Trenutna cena QUARTZ je ${{price} } in je uvrščena na {{rank}} na Coinmarketcapin se je v času pisanja tega članka nedavno povečal 39.06 odstotkov.

QUARTZ je kotirana na številnih kriptovalutah, za razliko od drugih glavnih kriptovalut je ni mogoče neposredno kupiti s fiat denarjem. Kljub temu lahko še vedno preprosto kupite ta kovanec tako, da najprej kupite USDT na kateri koli borzi fiat-to-crypto in nato prenesete na borzo, ki ponuja trgovanje s tem kovancem. V tem vodniku vas bomo podrobno vodili skozi korake za nakup QUARTZ .

1. korak: Registrirajte se na Fiat-to-Crypto Exchange

Najprej boste morali kupiti eno od glavnih kriptovalut, v tem primeru USDT ( USDT ). V tem članku vas bomo podrobno popeljali skozi dve najpogosteje uporabljeni menjalnici fiat-to-crypto, Uphold.com in Coinbase. Obe borzi imata svojo politiko provizij in druge funkcije, ki jih bomo podrobneje pregledali. Priporočljivo je, da preizkusite oba in izberete tistega, ki vam najbolj ustreza.


Primerno za ameriške trgovce

Za podrobnosti izberite Fiat-to-Crypto Exchange:


Kot ena najbolj priljubljenih in priročnih menjalnic fiat-to-crypto ima UpHold naslednje prednosti:

  • Enostaven nakup in trgovanje med več sredstvi, več kot 50 in še dodajanjem
  • Trenutno več kot 7 milijonov uporabnikov po vsem svetu
  • Zaprosite lahko za debetno kartico UpHold, kjer lahko porabite kripto sredstva na svojem računu kot običajno debetno kartico! (Samo v ZDA, kasneje pa bo v Združenem kraljestvu)
  • Enostavna mobilna aplikacija, kjer lahko preprosto dvignete sredstva na banko ali katero koli drugo borzo altcoinov
  • Brez skritih stroškov in kakršnih koli drugih stroškov računa
  • Na voljo so omejena nakupna/prodajna naročila za naprednejše uporabnike
  • Če nameravate dolgoročno imeti kriptovalute, lahko preprosto nastavite ponavljajoče se depozite za povprečje stroškov v dolarjih (DCA).
  • Na voljo je USDT, ki je eden najbolj priljubljenih stabilnih kovancev, podprtih z USD (v bistvu gre za kriptovaluto, ki je podprta s pravim fiat denarjem, zato so manj nestanovitni in jih je mogoče obravnavati skoraj kot fiat denar, na katerega je vezan), to je bolj priročno, če altcoin, ki ga nameravate kupiti, ima na borzi altcoin samo trgovalne pare USDT, tako da vam med nakupom altcoina ni treba opraviti druge pretvorbe valut.
Prikaži korakov podrobnosti ▾

Vnesite svoj e-poštni naslov in kliknite »Naprej«. Navedite svoje pravo ime, saj ga bo UpHold potreboval za preverjanje računa in identitete. Izberite močno geslo, da vaš račun ne bo ranljiv za hekerje.


Prejeli boste potrditveno e-poštno sporočilo. Odprite ga in kliknite povezavo znotraj. Nato boste morali predložiti veljavno mobilno številko za nastavitev dvostopenjske avtentikacije (2FA), ki je dodatna plast za varnost vašega računa in zelo priporočljivo je, da to funkcijo pustite vklopljeno.


Sledite naslednjemu koraku, da dokončate preverjanje identitete. Ti koraki so nekoliko zastrašujoči, zlasti ko čakate na nakup sredstva, a tako kot vse druge finančne institucije je UpHold reguliran v večini držav, kot so ZDA, Združeno kraljestvo in EU. To lahko vzamete kot kompromis pri uporabi zaupanja vredne platforme za svoj prvi nakup kriptovalute. Dobra novica je, da je celoten tako imenovani postopek poznavanja strank (KYC) zdaj popolnoma avtomatiziran in ne bi smel trajati več kot 15 minut, da se zaključi.

2. korak: Kupite USDT s fiat denarjem


Ko končate postopek KYC. Pozvani boste, da dodate način plačila. Tukaj lahko izberete kreditno/debetno kartico ali uporabite bančno nakazilo. Morda vam bomo zaračunali višje stroške, odvisno od izdajatelja vaše kreditne kartice in nestanovitnih cen pri uporabi kartic, vendar boste opravili tudi takojšnji nakup. Medtem ko bo bančno nakazilo cenejše, a počasnejše, bo odvisno od države vašega prebivališča nekatere države ponudile takojšen gotovinski depozit z nizkimi provizijami.


Zdaj ste pripravljeni, na zaslonu »Transakcija« pod poljem »Od« izberite svojo fiat valuto in nato v polju »Za« izberite USDT , kliknite predogled, da pregledate svojo transakcijo, in kliknite potrdi, če je vse v redu. .. in čestitke! Pravkar ste opravili svoj prvi kripto nakup.

3. korak: Prenesite USDT na borzo altkoinov

Vendar še nismo končali, ker je QUARTZ altcoin, moramo naš USDT prenesti na borzo, s katero je mogoče trgovati QUARTZ . Spodaj je seznam borz, ki ponujajo trgovanje QUARTZ v različnih tržnih parih, pojdite na njihova spletna mesta in se registrirajte za račun.

Ko končate, boste morali položiti USDT na menjalnico od UpHold . Ko je polog potrjen, lahko kupite QUARTZ v pogledu menjave.

Market Pair

Zadnji korak: Varno shranite QUARTZ v strojne denarnice

Ledger Nano S

Ledger Nano S

  • Easy to set up and friendly interface
  • Can be used on desktops and laptops
  • Lightweight and Portable
  • Support most blockchains and wide range of (ERC-20/BEP-20) tokens
  • Multiple languages available
  • Built by a well-established company found in 2014 with great chip security
  • Affordable price
Ledger Nano X

Ledger Nano X

  • More powerful secure element chip (ST33) than Ledger Nano S
  • Can be used on desktop or laptop, or even smartphone and tablet through Bluetooth integration
  • Lightweight and Portable with built-in rechargeable battery
  • Larger screen
  • More storage space than Ledger Nano S
  • Support most blockchains and wide range of (ERC-20/BEP-20) tokens
  • Multiple languages available
  • Built by a well-established company found in 2014 with great chip security
  • Affordable price

Če nameravate obdržati ("hodl", kot morda nekateri rečejo, v bistvu napačno črkovano "držati", ki se sčasoma popularizira) svojo QUARTZ precej dolgo časa, boste morda želeli raziskati načine, kako jo ohraniti na varnem, čeprav je Binance eden izmed najvarnejša menjalnica kriptovalut je prišlo do hekerskih incidentov in izgubljena sredstva. Zaradi same narave denarnic v borzah bodo te vedno na spletu (»vroče denarnice«, kot jih imenujemo), kar bo razkrilo nekatere vidike ranljivosti. Najvarnejši način shranjevanja vaših kovancev doslej je, da jih vedno postavite v vrsto "hladnih denarnic", kjer bo denarnica imela dostop do verige blokov (ali preprosto "pojdite na splet"), ko pošljete sredstva, kar zmanjša možnosti za hekerski incidenti. Papirnata denarnica je vrsta brezplačne hladne denarnice, v bistvu je brez povezave ustvarjen par javnega in zasebnega naslova, ki ga boste imeli nekje zapisanega in ga hranite na varnem. Vendar pa ni vzdržljiv in je dovzeten za različne nevarnosti.

Strojna denarnica je vsekakor boljša možnost od hladnih denarnic. Običajno gre za naprave z omogočenim priključkom USB, ki shranjujejo ključne informacije vaše denarnice na trajnejši način. Izdelani so z varnostjo na vojaški ravni, proizvajalci pa nenehno vzdržujejo njihovo strojno programsko opremo in so zato izjemno varni. Ledger Nano S in Ledger Nano X sta najbolj priljubljeni možnosti v tej kategoriji, ti denarnici staneta okoli 50 do 100 USD, odvisno od funkcij, ki jih ponujata. Če imate svoje premoženje, so te denarnice po našem mnenju dobra naložba.

Pogosto zastavljena vprašanja

Ali lahko kupim QUARTZ z gotovino?

Ni neposrednega načina za nakup QUARTZ z gotovino. Vendar pa lahko uporabite tržnice, kot je LocalBitcoins da najprej kupite USDT in dokončate preostale korake s prenosom svojega USDT na ustrezne menjalnice AltCoin.

LocalBitcoins je izmenjava bitcoinov enak-z-enakim. Je tržnica, kjer lahko uporabniki drug drugemu kupujejo in prodajajo bitcoine. Uporabniki, imenovani trgovci, ustvarijo oglase s ceno in načinom plačila, ki ga želijo ponuditi. Na platformi se lahko odločite za nakup pri prodajalcih iz določene bližnje regije. je navsezadnje dober kraj za nakup bitcoinov, ko nikjer drugje ne najdete želenih načinov plačila. Vendar so cene na tej platformi običajno višje in morate biti skrbni, da se izognete goljufanju.

Ali obstajajo hitri načini za nakup QUARTZ v Evropi?

Da, pravzaprav je Evropa eno najlažjih krajev za nakup kripto na splošno. Obstajajo celo spletne banke, pri katerih lahko preprosto odprete račun in prenesete denar na menjalnice, kot sta Coinbase in Uphold.

Ali obstajajo kakšne alternativne platforme za nakup QUARTZ ali Bitcoin s kreditnimi karticami?

ja je tudi zelo enostavna platforma za nakup bitcoinov s kreditnimi karticami. Je takojšnja menjava kriptovalut, ki vam omogoča hitro menjavo kriptovalut in nakup z bančno kartico. Njegov uporabniški vmesnik je zelo enostaven za uporabo in koraki nakupa so precej razumljivi.

Preberite več o osnovah QUARTZ in trenutni ceni tukaj.

Zadnje novice za QUARTZ

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